History Book
Since 1989 when the IFNA was founded many objectives have been achieved. The IFNA is the recognized international voice for Nurse Anesthesia and wider for all non-physician anesthesia providers. Even if historically nurses were the first anesthesia providers in many countries, it took years for having this international recognition.
The history Book describes the long journey since the beginning till today. It is an important witness of the long history of nurse anesthetists, their education and practice.
The book also contains the IFNA Standards for Education and Practice, as well as the ICN Guidelines for Advanced Practice Nursing: Nurse Anesthetist. This book is a great resource to educate and advocate for the global role of the Nurse Anesthetist.
You can order the book to us. The price is 25 USD with in addition shipping costs.
Please contact the IFNA Executive Director Pascal Rod, if you want to purchase one or some at: