The Netherlands
Working in The Netherlands as a nurse anesthetist:
Our country is a member of the EU and therefore EU regulations are leading. It is necessary to proove that your diploma is equal with the diploma ‘anesthesie medewerker’ in the Netherlands. To equalize your diploma a copy of the following documents has to be send to the secretary of the College Ziekenhuis Opleidingen(CZO)
1. the diploma nurse anesthestist including results of the examination
2. the diploma of the Dutch state examination NT2, program1
3. employer’s certificate and testimonials
College Ziekenhuis Opleidingen (CZO)
T.a.v. secretariaat
Oudlaan 4
Postbus 9696
3506 GR Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel: +31(0) 302 739 208
Telefax:+31(0) 302 739 780
Email: info@ziekenhuisopleidingen.nl
Internet: www.ziekenhuisopleidingen.nl
The diploma NT2.
Nederlands als Tweede Taal (NT2)
It is an official Certificate ‘Dutch as a second language’. The body in charge of the exams is the Informatiebeheergroep (IBG) which you can find at http://www.informatiebeheergroep.nl. There are two levels, program 1 and program 2, the latter being more difficult than the first.
It is very helpful if a hospital is willing to employ you. Probably they help you with the paper work and the NT2 diploma.
Vacancies are inserted in the magazine of the Dutch nurse anesthetists called ‘NTvA’. Also vacancies are available at the website of the nurse anesthetists www.nvam.nl , at ‘vacatures’. To obtain the magazine you will find information at the website.
With kind regards,
Jaap Hoekman
1e vice president IFNA
+31(0)653 898 167