Working in France as a nurse anesthetist.
The nurse anesthesia practice in France is officially protected and regulated. Only the nurse educated in a French nurse anesthesia program and certified by the French National Diploma of Nurse Anesthetist is authorized and recognized for practicing.
A case by case special authorization for practicing can be delivered by the Health Authority or its regional official representative under certain conditions:
European Union (EU) and European Economical Agreement (EEA) member state Applicant:
The applicant from an EU or EEA country can apply for practicing as nurse anesthetist if:
- He is holder of a general care nursing diploma as recognized by the EU directive for the general care nursing practice
- He is holder of an equivalent post-basic education in nurse anesthesia in terms of theory and practice than the one required in France.( 2 years program)
- He can speak French enough fluently for communicating with the public and understand medical information, prescriptions and advice.
The procedure is as following:
T o send to the Direction Régionale des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales (DRASS) (Regional Direction of Health and Social Affairs) of the region where the applicant is planning to move, a dossier properly translated into French including:
- Identity card copy
- Certified copies of certificates, diplomas and/or titles achieved
- Official document certified by a registered authority of the EU /EEA country certifying the applicant has achieved the education and is authorized in his/her country for practicing in the same specialty.
- Certified document delivered by the program of education including the curriculum and the number of theoretical education items by items, the number of hours of clinical training and their matters.
- Certified document of different practice experience
The dossier will be examined by an official specific jury composed of professionals.
In case of significant difference in the length of the program of education , or in the curriculum and /or the clinical training, it will be proposed to the applicant:
- Either to pass a theoretical examination
- Or to have an additional clinical training of less than one year achieved by an evaluation.
For all other applicants outside the EU or EEA, the application has to be sent to the Ministry of Health, and the authorisation for practicing will depend on a case by case examination by the Health Authorities.