Foreign educated nurses and nurse anesthetists who want to work in Denmark are to obtain Danish registration as a nurse before they can work here.
National Board of Health (Sundhedsstyrelsen)
67, Islands Brygge, P.O.Box 1881, DK – 2300 Copenhagen S
Telephone: +45 72 22 74 00
Fax: +45 72 22 74 01
E-mail: sst@sst.dk
Web Page: www.sst.dk
In order to apply for registratioN
You will need to pass a language test in Danish
In order to read about special training for Nurse Anesthetists
In order to work as a nurse anesthetist in Denmark
After obtaining a Danish registration, nurses who have a foreign special training as a nurse anesthetist, can apply to the board of special education with reference to evaluate the equality of the foreign education
You are welcome to contact me as a Danish representative in IFNA:
Jytte Pedersen jytte11@mail.dk
Foreign educated nurses and nurse anaesthetists who want to work in Denmark are to obtain Danish registration as a nurse before they can work in Denmark.
Registration authority
National Board of Health (Sundhedsstyrelsen)
67, Islands Brygge, P.O.Box 1881, DK – 2300 Copenhagen S
Telephone: +45 72 22 74 00
Fax: +45 72 22 74 01
E-mail: sst@sst.dk
Web Page: www.sst.dk
Nordic countries
The “Treaty for a joint labour market for health personnel” allows a.o. nurses from one Nordic country to apply for and obtain registration as a nurse in another Nordic country. The six Nordic nurses’ associations have elaborated a brochure with pertinent information for Nordic nurses wishing to work in a Nordic country. It can be found on the following home page: www.ssn-nnf.org.
EU countries
The “EU Directives for Nurses” make it easy for registered nurses trained in an EU country to obtain registration in Denmark. Only EU citizens are covered by these Directives. For further information on the registration procedure, please contact the National Board of Health.
Other countries
Registered nurses from other countries will be considered on an individual basis. The National Board of Health will decide if they have to go through supplementary courses at a Danish school of nurses, or if they are eligible for a temporary registration.
Trial employment and temporary registration of foreign nurses
In November 2002, the National Board of Health introduced trial employment and temporary registration of foreign nurses to make it easier for qualified foreign nurses to get employment within the Danish health care system.
Trial employment and temporary registration apply to nurses, who are comprised by neither the Nordic agreement nor the EU Directives for nurses.
In order to have a trial employment arranged, nurses are to receive a temporary registration which can be assigned to nurses with a nursing education equivalent to the Danish one.
The foreign nurse must find employment at a Danish hospital. The professional competence in theory and practice as well as qualifications are tested during the trial employment period.
Information about trial employment and temporary registration of foreign nurses can be found at the National Board of Health homepage in Danish: www.sst.dk.
Vacancies are inserted in the nurses’ journal “The Nurse” (“Sygeplejersken”) and on the DNO web page. The journal, which is published every second week, can be bought from the DNO.