Application for renewal of Recognition level

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Create Date29.7.2016

Anesthesia programs holding Level #2 IFNA Recognition are to update their applications every 5 years as part of a renewal process.


For the renewal of IFNA recognition the program is required to submit its current curriculum for review by the IFNA Education Committee. The curriculum will be audited to determine if it substantially complies with the curriculum - standards in the IFNA Educational Standards for Preparing Nurse Anesthetists 2012 which can be downloaded from You can also request the documents from the APAP manager at: Faculty and student evaluations will also be conducted as part of the audit.


Following the successful completion of the renewal of recognition process, the program’s identity, title of award and the current curriculum will be posted on IFNA’s website with a statement that IFNA has audited the curriculum and determined it substantially meets its requirements. Title of award: IFNA Recognition.